Drive Scout Blog

How to Lower Your Vehicle Insurance for a Driving School

By: Steve Jones Posted in: Compliance, Operations

How to Lower Your Vehicle Insurance for a Driving School

May 1, 2023

Owning and operating a driving school can be a rewarding and profitable business, but one of the major expenses involved is vehicle insurance. As a driving school owner, you want to ensure that your cars and students are protected, but you also want to keep your costs in check. In this blog post, we will explore various ways to lower your vehicle insurance premiums for your driving school without compromising on coverage.

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Choose the Right Vehicles

The type of vehicles you use for your driving school can have a significant impact on your insurance costs. Opt for vehicles with a good safety record, excellent crash-test ratings, and reliable anti-theft systems. Such vehicles are usually cheaper to insure, as they are less likely to be involved in accidents or stolen. Additionally, smaller and less powerful cars are generally more affordable to insure than larger, high-performance vehicles.

Shop Around for the Best Rates

Insurance rates can vary widely between different providers, so it’s essential to shop around and compare quotes. Be sure to get multiple quotes from different insurers and carefully review each policy’s coverage and exclusions. Don’t hesitate to negotiate with your insurance provider for a better deal, as many companies are willing to offer discounts to secure your business.

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Maintain a Good Business Credit Score

Your driving school’s credit score can impact your insurance premiums. Insurers may consider businesses with poor credit as higher risks and charge higher premiums. Make sure to pay your bills on time and keep your credit utilization low to maintain a good business credit score. If you have a poor credit history, work on improving it over time to secure lower insurance rates.

Implement a Robust Risk Management Plan

A comprehensive risk management plan can reduce the likelihood of accidents and help you lower your insurance premiums. This plan should include regular vehicle maintenance, strict adherence to safety regulations, and continuous driver training. Ensure that your driving instructors are well-trained, licensed, and have clean driving records to minimize the risk of accidents and claims.

Bundle Your Insurance Policies

Many insurance providers offer discounts for bundling multiple policies, such as combining your driving school’s vehicle insurance with property or liability insurance. This can lead to significant savings on your overall insurance costs. Additionally, bundling your policies can make managing your insurance coverage simpler and more convenient.

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Opt for a Higher Deductible

Choosing a higher deductible can lead to lower insurance premiums. A deductible is the amount you must pay out-of-pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. By selecting a higher deductible, you are assuming more financial responsibility in the event of a claim, which in turn can lead to lower premiums. However, be cautious not to choose a deductible that is too high, as it may become a financial burden if you need to file a claim.


Lowering your driving school’s vehicle insurance premiums doesn’t have to mean sacrificing quality coverage. By following these tips and carefully evaluating your insurance needs, you can find the right balance between affordability and protection. Regularly reviewing your insurance policies and making adjustments as needed will ensure that you continue to get the best coverage at the lowest possible cost for your driving school.

About the Author

Steve Jones, CEO at Drive Scout

Steve Jones, Drive Scout CEO
In 2009, I opened my first driving school with a $15,000 loan, used office equipment and my Honda Accord from college. Within three years, we hit one million in sales and were growing rapidly. After being unable to find a customized software solution to help us scale, I partnered with a brilliant engineer and built Drive Scout. Soon thereafter, I stepped down as CEO and started working full time on Drive Scout. I created this blog to share my experiences (both good and bad) to hopefully help your company become more profitable and easier to manage. Enjoy and thanks for reading!

Getting Started

Our sole mission is to help your driving school be more profitable and easier to manage. We do this by creating simple, easy-to-use software and website templates that save you valuable time and drive profits, which, in turn gives you time back to focus on sales and helping students.